
2018年5月27日—(SPOILERS)Sumo.WithmyHankdeadandthehumansabandoningDetroit,who'sgoingtocareforthatcutelittledoggo?Iwantedanepilogue ...,Sumoisshowntobeacalmandgentledog.Heisverykindheartedtothoseheperceivesasgood,suchashisownerandConnor.,2021年3月30日—SumoisaSaintBernarddoginDetroit:BecomeHuman.HeisthepetofLieutenantHankAnderson.HewasborninApril2031.,2018年6月4日—Sumo『DetroitBecomeHumanTH』.Jun...


2018年5月27日 — (SPOILERS) Sumo. With my Hank dead and the humans abandoning Detroit, who's going to care for that cute little doggo? I wanted an epilogue ...

Sumo - Detroit: Become Human Wiki

Sumo is shown to be a calm and gentle dog. He is very kindhearted to those he perceives as good, such as his owner and Connor.

Sumo | Detroit: Become Human Wiki

2021年3月30日 — Sumo is a Saint Bernard dog in Detroit: Become Human. He is the pet of Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He was born in April 2031.

Sumo『 Detroit Become Human TH』

2018年6月4日 — Sumo『 Detroit Become Human TH』. Jun 4, 2018 · ????. Profile pictures. Likhona Likho and 31 others. ???? 32. ????. ???? 1. Related Pages ...

The dog in Detroit

2018年6月5日 — Sumo belongs to Hank, the detective who co-stars in Detroit's least offensive storyline. Connor, the cop android, checks in on Hank at his home ...

Top 10 sumo detroit become human ideas and inspiration

Sumo is a Saint Bernard dog in Detroit: Become Human. He is the pet of Lieutenant Hank Anderson. He was born in April 2031. How or when he came to live with ...

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